Dr. Gaia Galassi


University of Urbino

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Dr. Gaia Galassi is a Geoscientist at the Department of Pure and Applied Science of the University of Urbino, Italy. She works on sea level variations. Her research specifically focuses on modelling geophysical components of sea level according to climate future scenarios, at global and regional scale. Recently, she dealt with paleo-reconstruction of coastlines since the Last Glacial Maximum, also analyzing their implications on human migrations. She has taken part to the Global Sea Level Budget Group of the WCRP (World Climate Research Program), which provided contributions to the IPCC report. She has an M.S. in Environmental Science and an M.S. in Ecology of Climate change from University of Urbino ad a PhD in Geophysics from University of Bologna (Italy). She also works for an Italian regional administration (Marche Region) where she provides decision-support for sustainable planning.


Vice Admiral Linda Fagan


Rear Admiral Timothy Gallaudet