Dr. Marie Price


American Geographical Society

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Dr. Marie Price is a geographic educator with over 30 years of academic experience. She is a Professor of Geography and International Affairs at The George Washington University, and has served on the AGS Council for over 20 years, now serving as President of the Society. The author of 4 books and over 50 referenced articles and book chapters, her research focuses on the impact of human migration on development and social change, especially in cities. She also studies the role of open source geospatial technologies in advancing geographic information, decision-making and community engagement. In April 2018, she gave a keynote address at the United Nations Commission on Population and Development, titled Urban Settlements as Global Immigrant Gateways. Her department is one of the founding members of YouthMappers, a USAID initiative to promote open source mapping among university students to meet sustainable development goals.


Dr. Deborah Popper


Mr. Joe Quirk