Dr. Matthew Bonds
Harvard Medical School
Matthew Bonds is an associate professor of global health and social medicine at Harvard Medical School, and co-founder & scientific director of PIVOT. He holds a PhD in economics and a PhD in (disease) ecology from the University of Georgia. His research focuses on 1) the ecology of poverty and economic development; 2) infectious disease modelling, and 3) the science of implementing global health delivery systems. PIVOT works with the Madagascar government to establish a district level model health system. With novel data systems at all levels of care (community, primary and secondary care), this partnership aims to pioneer a new a science of health system transformation, with some of the most rigorously evaluated population level impacts in Africa. His work has been supported by a K01 Award from the NIH Fogarty International Center, a Scholar Award in Complex Systems Science from the James S. McDonnell Foundation, and a Rainer Arnhold Fellowship from the Mulago Foundation.