Dr. Michael Storper


UCLA; London School of Economics

Michael Storper (PhD, Economic Geography, University of California, Berkeley) is an economic geographer who currently holds positions at UCLA, the London School of Economics, and formerly at Sciences Po/Paris. His fields of research are: regional economic development; urbanization; the link between innovation and geographical change; and globalization. He is the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed academic articles and ten books, including the widely-cited The Rise and Decline of Urban Economies (Stanford, 2015); Keys to the City (Princeton, 2013), The Regional World: Territory, Technology and Economic Development (Guilford, 1997), Worlds of Production (Harvard, 1997). He received a Doctorate Honoris Causa from the University of Utrecht In 2008, the Sir Peter Hall Prize from the Regional Studies Association in 2012, the Founder’s Gold Medal from the Royal Geographical Society in 2016, and the Distinguished Scholarship Honors from the American Association of Geographers in 2017. He holds dual citizenship of the USA and France.


Dr. John Stehlin


Dr. Paul Sutton