Dr. Tracey Osbourne

University of California, Merced

Tracey Osborne is Associate Professor and Presidential Chair in the Management of Complex Systems Department at the University of California, Merced. She is also the founding director of the University of California Center for Climate Justice. Tracey’s research focuses on the social and political economic dimensions of climate change mitigation in tropical forests and the role of Indigenous Peoples, the politics of climate finance, global environmental governance, and climate equity and justice. She has worked on these issues globally with extensive field experience in Mexico and the Amazon. She also leads the Climate Alliance Mapping Project, a collaborative effort between academics, environmental non-governmental organizations, and Indigenous organizations working for a socially-just response to climate change through research, maps and digital stories. Tracey is a member of the Global Climate Leadership Council, a body that advises UC President Michael Drake on successful implementation of the UC Carbon Neutrality Initiative’s mission. She received her PhD from the Energy and Resources Group at the University of California, Berkeley.


Ms. Alison Omens


Mrs. Sharon Owens