Ms. Erin Kenney

Mass Economics

Erin Kenney is a senior associate at Mass Economics and data-Fab. Erin is experienced in data analysis and methods using statistical software and conducting analyses at geographic scales ranging from individual neighborhoods to thousands of counties nationwide. Recent work includes the development of new economic data and suppression-resolving estimation methods, which underpin core data-Fab product offerings and support Mass Economics’ myriad consulting work. She is also leading the creation of a nationwide county-level database with over 3,000 variables to create an economic typology of U.S. counties and assess the drivers of health outcomes. At Mass Economics, Erin has contributed to the development of industry-cluster strategies for economic development plans in St. Louis and Memphis, supported the development of a report on the role of corporate anchors in community and economic development, modeled the jobs impact of green stormwater infrastructure policies in Detroit, and assisted in the development of an economic and fiscal impact model for a proposed greenway in St. Louis. Previously, Erin worked as a policy analyst at the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. She holds a master’s degree in city planning and bachelor’s degree in math from MIT.


Dr. Nicholas Kelly


Dr. Denae King