Dr. Maria Fadiman

Florida Atlantic University/Nat Geo 2006 Emerging Explorer

Maria Fadiman is a professor in the department of Geosciences at Florida Atlantic University, 2006 National Geographic Emerging Explorer, two times TEDx speaker and a fellow in the Explorers Club. She researches the human/environmental aspect of conservation, focusing on ethnobotany (the relationship between people and plants), working primarily in rural areas throughout the globe. In addition to her scholarly publications, she is one of the invited contributors to the book, Global Chorus along with Jane Goodall and the Dalai Lama, among others, National Geographic’s Survival Manual, the book No More Endlings and in the Voices section of the American Way Magazine. She was featured on Into the Wild and on the National Geographic International Channel for Earth Day. She has her quote printed on a Starbuck’s cup, and was selected to be one of Vassar College’s “Famous Alumni.” She has been a mentor with National Geographic, an expert on their Travel Expeditions, been featured in science and language textbooks, and was chosen as a “Scientific Hero” at Good Shepherd School. She enjoys science communication and has presented throughout the United States and across the globe at universities and public venues.


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