Professor Glenn Denning

Columbia University

Glenn Denning joined Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs in 2009 as founding Director of the Master of Public Administration in Development Practice (MPA-DP), a joint undertaking of SIPA with Columbia University’s Earth Institute. He teaches core courses on Global Food Systems and Sustainable Development Policy and Practice. Over the past 40 years, Denning has advised governments and international organizations on agriculture and food policy in more than 50 countries. At the global level, he served on the UN Millennium Project Hunger Task Force (2004-6) and the Senior Steering Group of the UN High Level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis (2009-13). Denning worked in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research for 24 years and held senior management positions at the International Rice Research Institute and the World Agroforestry Centre. In 2000, Denning was honored by the Government of Cambodia as Commander of the Royal Order of Sahametrei for his contributions to increasing national rice production. In 2014, Denning received the Columbia University Presidential Award for Outstanding Teaching. In his forthcoming book—Universal Food Security: How to End Hunger While Protecting the Planet (Columbia University Press)—Denning identifies priorities for achieving a genuinely food-secure world.


Dr. Joe Darden


Dr. Dennis Derryck